Friday, September 12, 2008

Need Some Glass Replaced Quickly and more....

Need Some Glass Replaced QuicklyNeed Some Glass Replaced Quickly
Big trouble if its not fixed soon
Posted in: 12/09/08 00:00:24
Whack A BossWhack A Boss
Its Friday so its time to take out the weeks frustration on your boss...without getting fired.
Posted in: 12/09/08 00:00:24
Ultimate Cubicle PrankUltimate Cubicle Prank
The guys in this office were known for messing with someones cubicle while they went away on holiday. After a bit of thought they really went to town on this fellows cubicle
Posted in: 12/09/08 00:00:24
Japanese Air SexJapanese Air Sex
This adds to the long list of the strange things to come out of Japan. A British program called Japanorama looks at why the birthrate in Japan is so so low they touch on a groupd of people partaking in air sex.
Posted in: 12/09/08 00:00:24
The WindThe Wind
This is a weird commercial
Posted in: 12/09/08 00:00:24

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